Back to School 24-25
Please visit the links below to see specific information. We will be continuously adding in links as the information becomes available. If you do not see what you are looking for, please check back at a later time.
First Day of School - August 22nd
School Calendar 2024-2025
Final Forms
Bus Schedules 2024-2025
- Braden Middle School & Edgewood High School
- Kingsville Elementary School
- Ridgeview Elementary School
- Building Bridges
- Happy Hearts
- Preschool
- St. John
- Pymatuning Valley & Grand Valley
Food Service
WE ARE PLEASED to inform you that Buckeye Local Schools will be participating in the national school lunch and school breakfast programs called the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) for the 2024-2025 school year. What does this mean for you and your children? ALL enrolled students of Buckeye Local Schools are eligible to receive a healthy breakfast and lunch at school at NO CHARGE to you! No further action is required of you. Your children will be able to participate in these meal programs without a fee or application.
If you have any further questions, you can contact Lisa Loomis, Food Service Supervisor at: (440) 990-3162.
COVID-19 Information (COVID-19 Tab)
Bell Schedules - Students
**Note: Start and End Times have changed since last year!**
Edgewood High School
- Student Drop Off Time; 7:40
- Student Start: 8:00
- Student End: 2:40
- Student Pick Up Time: 2:40
Braden Middle School
- Student Drop Off Time; 7:35
- Student Start: 7:55
- Student End: 2:35
- Student Pick Up Time: 2:35
Kingsville and Ridgeview Elementary Schools
- Student Drop Off Time; 8:45
- Student Start: 9:00
- Student End: 3:30
- Student Pick Up Time: 3:30
Edgewood High School
EHS would like to welcome new staff members:
- Kira Campbell – Academic Tutor
- Ben Frable – Mathematics Teacher
- Kaytee Shimek - Intervention Specialist
- Angela Fitch - Second shift custodian
- Alex Shorter - Second shift custodian
Schedule Pick UpStudents in grades 9-12 can pick their schedules up prior to the first day of school. We will have two pick up dates and times. The dates are Thursday, August 15th and Friday, August 16th from 9:00-11:00 AM and 12:00-2:00 PM in the main office at Edgewood. Schedules can also be picked up at our “Back to School Celebration” on August 16th from 4:00-5:30 at Corlew Stadium.
First Day of School The first day of school for students will be Thursday, August 22nd. Students will report to their first period class by 8:00 AM that day. Their first period teacher will provide the students with their academic schedule if they were not able to pick it up on the dates listed above.
Open House “Open House” for students and parents at Edgewood High School is scheduled for Tuesday, August 20th from 5:00-7:00 p.m. We will begin with a student/parent meeting in the auditorium, where a welcoming message will be provided from 5:00-5:30 and various topics will be explained to students and parents such as; Title I tutoring support for students, PBIS incentive program, teacher/parent communication on student’s behavior and academic progress, code of conduct, dress code, etc. At the conclusion of the general meeting in the auditorium students and parents will be able to walk around the high school together to see where their locker and various classrooms are located.
Later Start TimeEdgewood High School is excited in making a change to the start time for students beginning with the 2024-2025 school year from 7:30 am to 8:00 am. A later start time for high school students can significantly enhance their academic performance, attendance, and overall well-being. It is our hope that making this change to our start time for the 2024-2025 school year will be an effective strategy to promote better educational outcomes and overall student well-being.
Warrior Flex PeriodNew this school year is the implementation of “Warrior Flex Period”. The Warrior Flex Period is an allocated period, during the school day, comprised of 15-18 students in every classroom, that will be a controlled studyhall, replacing previous period studyhalls consisting of 40 or more students . This smaller, every day environment will give students and teachers the opportunity to meet with each other for extra help for intervention, enrichment, social-emotional learning and more without taking crucial time away from academic classes.
Edgwewood Students' Succeed ProgramEdgewood High School is implementing “Edgewood Students' Succeed Program” for the 2024-2025 school year. This program allows all students an opportunity to never receive a grade of a “D” or “F” on any assessment (quiz, test) or in any subject on their report card. The way the program works is that students who fail a quiz or a test will be given the opportunity to receive intervention services, by their classroom teacher, during our Warrior Flex Period. This intervention will allow students to work directly with their teacher to review and learn the material that prohibited them from passing the assessment. When the student and teacher feel that the student understands the material, the student will be given the opportunity to retake the quiz or test to score a grade higher than a “D” or an “F”.
If the student fails the quiz or test again, they will receive more intensive intervention services during our Warrior Flex Period and retake the assessment as many times as they need until they understand the material and have mastered the necessary skill. If the student scores a passing grade on any retake attempt(s), the highest grade they will receive will be a 70% “C”, This grade of a “C” will replace their grade of a “D” or an “F”. This new program accomplishes two goals; (1) It allows students to fully master the skills taught, (2) It provides students a safety net of not receiving a “D” or an “F” in a class or on their report card, which will lead to higher self-esteem, better grades, better attendance and fewer discipline problems.
Class DojoThis year to be consistent with our elementary buildings and to help increase communication with parents, Edgewood High School will be utilizing Class Dojo. This app will allow Edgewood High School to instantly share messages, updates, events and photos of various things happening at the school. A letter will be sent home with your child on the first day of school that you can fill out and return so you can be added to our Class Dojo school/classroom.
Meningococcal VaccineSenior students are required to have the meningococcal vaccine prior to the start of the 2024-2025 school year. This is a state of Ohio requirement and will be enforced. This vaccine is also a requirement for many colleges.
If your child had one dose of the meningococcal vaccine prior to age 16, a second dose must be administered on or after the 16th birthday. If the first dose of meningococcal vaccine was administered after the 16th birthday, a second dose is not required.
Please check with your child’s pediatrician and if the vaccine was already given please supply written documentation to the school nurse at Edgewood High School (fax 440 998-6143). It is your responsibility to provide an up-to-date immunization record to the school. If documentation is not provided within 14 days of the first day of school your child will not be permitted to attend school until documentation is provided.
If you have any questions about the meningococcal vaccine or any other adolescent vaccines please feel free to contact the school nurse at Edgewood at 997-5301, the Ashtabula City Health Department at 992-7122, the Ashtabula County Health Department at 576-6010, or your child’s pediatrician.
Braden Middle School
Open House - August 20th
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm (Opening Remarks/Greeting with Dr. Neal - 5:00 pm)
We would like to welcome the new staff members:
BMS would like to welcome new staff members:
- Dr. Tim Neal, Principal
- Sara Howard, 8th Grade Social Studies
- Olivia Szabo, 6th Grade Science
- Sharon Seegert, 6th, 7th, 8th Art
- Mark Louden, Custodian
- Ryan Neuman, 8th Grade Math
- Steven Urchek - Intervention Specialist
Kingsville Elementary
KES would like to welcome new staff members:
- Mrs. Kristi Feather- Principal
- Ms. Gabriella Ewing - Kindergarten Teacher
- Mrs. Julie Oberg- Kindergarten Teacher
- Ms. Emily Artman- AcademicTutor
- Mrs. Tashina Drake- Academic Tutor
KES Supply Lists
Ridgeview Elementary
RES would like to welcome new staff members:
- Welcom New Staff: Julie Simmons, Intervention Specialist
- Welcome Terri Santee, Literacy Specialist joining us from Kingsville
- Welcome back to Ridgeview Jessica Veon, Intervention Specialist