Clinic and Health Services
More Information
Exposure guidelines for staff and students
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Mission Statement
The primary role of the school nurse is to support student learning.
School nursing is a specialized practice of nursing that advances the well being, academic success, and life-long achievement of students. To that end, school nurses facilitate positive student responses to normal development; promote health and safety; intervene with actual and potential health problems, and actively collaborate with others to build student and family capacity for adaptation, self-management, self-advocacy, and learning. (Journal of School Nursing)
School nursing is a specialized practice of nursing that advances the well being, academic success, and life-long achievement of students. To that end, school nurses facilitate positive student responses to normal development; promote health and safety; intervene with actual and potential health problems, and actively collaborate with others to build student and family capacity for adaptation, self-management, self-advocacy, and learning. (Journal of School Nursing)
- Promote a safe learning environment
- Promote and protect and optimal level of wellness for students and staff
- Provide emergency care of ill and injured students
- Minimize lost instruction time
Buckeye Nursing Team
Braden Middle School
Julie Crossley MSN, RN, LSN
Clinic- 440-990-3106
Fax- 440-998-2793
Edgewood High School
Carrie McGirr LPN
Clinic- 440-990-3199
Fax- 440-998-6143
Kingsville Elementary School
Margaret Struna, BSN, RN, LSN
Clinic- 440-335-1304
Fax- 440-224-2452
Ridgeview Elementary School
LiAnna Murphy LPN
Clinic- 440-990- 3264
Fax- 440-998-2842
Nurse on Special Assignment
Michelle Taylor BSN, RN
Office- 440-990-3164
Fax- 440-998-2793
Illness Guidelines for Staying Home
Deciding when a child is too sick to attend school can be a difficult decision. When trying to decide, please use the guidelines below seek the advice of your health care provider.
GO to school:
· Sniffles, clear runny nose, and/or mild cough or throat irritation without fever.
· Vague complaints of aches, pains, or fatigue.
· A single episode of diarrhea without other complaints.
KEEP at home:
Chickenpox blisters appear in crops and may leave scabs. Your child should remain home until all blisters are crusted over (usually 6-7 days after rash first appears). A slight fever may or may not be present.
General symptoms are watery discharge from eyes/nose, sneezing, mild cough or throat irritation. If symptoms persist beyond 7-10 days, or if fever develops, keep child home and see your doctor.
See tab marked Covid-19 for guideline on testing postive and being exposed
Keep child home for two or more watery stools in a 24 hour period, or if accompanied by cramping, fever, and body aches. If your child will not eat, keep them home.
Drainage from the ear and/or ear pain should be evaluated by your health care provider.
Thick mucus, pus, or ‘sticky’ eyes may be contagious. One or both eyes may appear extremely red and feel irritated, itchy, or painful. The eye may be swollen and sensitive to light. A visit to the doctor is needed to confirm pink eye. Return to school when eyes have cleared, or after 24 hours of antibiotic treatment.
A fever is a temperature of 100 degrees Fahrenheit or greater. May return when fever-free for 24 hours the use of Tylenol or Motrin, etc. Remember, fever is a symptom indicating the presence of an illness.
Fractures/Sprains or Surgery
A doctor’s note is needed to notify the nurse of any modifications to physical activity, length of the school day, mobility or transportation needs. Bus transportation may be affected by the use of crutches. Doctor’s note must include dates of restrictions.
Lice or Scabies
With lice, your child may return when treated adequately. The child must be cleared by the doctor, Health Department or school clinic before returning to class. Our district practices a policy of “no live Lice”. With scabies, your child may return to school 24 hours after medical treatment has been started.
Nasal Discharge
If drainage becomes yellow/gold to greenish, please stay home until evaluated by your doctor.
Rashes of unknown cause are considered potentially contagious, especially when accompanied with fever and itching. Many skin problems are contagious (impetigo, scabies, and chicken pox.) The rash should be evaluated by a doctor before your child comes to school. Child may return when rash disappears, or after medically recommended.
Sore Throat
Sore throat with presence of fever, swollen glands, or white spots on the throat should be evaluated by your health care provider. May return to school when cleared by doctor, or after 24 hours of antibiotic treatment.
When a child vomits, they should be isolated from other children for 24 hours. If your child has two or more episodes in the past 24 hours or vomits during the night, do not send them to school. They should remain at home until without a symptoms for 24 hours.
If you are not sure if your child should stay home from school or if they need to be evaluated, please call your doctor. Thank you for your cooperation. These represent the recommendations of the school nurse, the Ohio Department of Health, and the American Academy of Pediatrics. Please see the Administrative guidelines section on our website for additional information on management of casual contact diseases.
Medication Policy
Whenever possible medication required by a student should be given before or after school hours. However, certain students may require the administration of medication during the school day to maintain an optimal health status for learning. Section 3313.713 of the Ohio Revised Code (Medication Policy Law) and our board policy requires written permission from parents and written orders from licensed prescribers for all medications that are to be given at school, including over the counter medications. Forms may be obtained at the school office or clinic. Forms can also be sent home with your child.
Please call the clinic with any questions.
Please call the clinic with any questions.
Edgewood High School 440-997-5301
Braden Middle School 440-998-0550
Ridgeview Elementary 440-997-7321
Kingsville Elementary 440-224-0281
Click on the following link for medication administration form:
Please see the link below for the current vaccine requirements for school attendence.
Additional vaccines are required for 7th and 12th graders.
Health Screenings
Screening Information
Please call the clinic if with any questions.
Screening Information
Why is it important to have your child’s vision screened? To identify if your child has vision problems or might be risk for vision problems. The vision screening procedures are meant to aid in the detection of: defects in distance visual acuity, defects in binocular vision, and other observable abnormalities. Without intervention, there can be permanent vision loss, the development of learning disabilities, and/or emotional-behavioral problems that can lead to school failure. Children often do not know that they should be able to see better than they do.
Why is it important to have you child’s hearing screened? To identify hearing problems, either temporary or permanent, that can hinder school performance.The purpose of early detection of potential hearing loss is to prevent permanent hearing loss during childhood and to identify students who need special accommodations due to hearing deficits. Hearing loss can contribute to educational delays and social isolation. Hearing loss is invisible and the child may be blamed for not paying attention.
The State of Ohio requires routine hearing and vision screens be done on children in the K, 1st, 3rd, 5th, 9th grades, and 11th as well as new students. The State of Ohio also requires vision screening for 7th graders. If your child has an IEP or a 504, screening will be done yearly, usually around the time of review.
If your child passes the hearing and vision screen, you will not be contacted. This screening provides only a snapshot of how your child performs on the day the test was administered and is not a substitute for a complete professional exam.
If your child fails the screening, you will be informed of the test results. I will send home a referral. It is important to know the outcome of the professional examination. Please return the referral form to the school nurse.
Why is it important to have you child’s hearing screened? To identify hearing problems, either temporary or permanent, that can hinder school performance.The purpose of early detection of potential hearing loss is to prevent permanent hearing loss during childhood and to identify students who need special accommodations due to hearing deficits. Hearing loss can contribute to educational delays and social isolation. Hearing loss is invisible and the child may be blamed for not paying attention.
The State of Ohio requires routine hearing and vision screens be done on children in the K, 1st, 3rd, 5th, 9th grades, and 11th as well as new students. The State of Ohio also requires vision screening for 7th graders. If your child has an IEP or a 504, screening will be done yearly, usually around the time of review.
If your child passes the hearing and vision screen, you will not be contacted. This screening provides only a snapshot of how your child performs on the day the test was administered and is not a substitute for a complete professional exam.
If your child fails the screening, you will be informed of the test results. I will send home a referral. It is important to know the outcome of the professional examination. Please return the referral form to the school nurse.
Health Resources
Family Resources
Our local health departments are wonderful resources for your child's health. They offer immunization clinics and well child examinations. Hours and services may vary depending on the location and time of year. Please contact them to confirm availability and hours.
Ashtabula County Health Department
Our local health departments are wonderful resources for your child's health. They offer immunization clinics and well child examinations. Hours and services may vary depending on the location and time of year. Please contact them to confirm availability and hours.
Ashtabula County Health Department
12 West Jefferson Street
Jefferson, OH 44047
(440) 576-6010
Ashtabula City Health Dept
4717 Main Avenue
Ashtabula, OH 44004
(440) 992-7122
Conneaut City Health Department
327 Mill Street
Conneaut, OH 44030
(440) 593-3087
211- Ashtabula County Family Guide to Community Services. This is a 24-hour, free, multilingual confidential telephone information service to any social, health and human service programs and resources.
Additional resources:
Center for Disease Control:
Ohio Department of Health:
National Institute of Health:
327 Mill Street
Conneaut, OH 44030
(440) 593-3087
211- Ashtabula County Family Guide to Community Services. This is a 24-hour, free, multilingual confidential telephone information service to any social, health and human service programs and resources.
Additional resources:
Center for Disease Control:
Ohio Department of Health:
National Institute of Health:
What you need to know!
What are Head Lice?
- Small parasite that lives on human blood
- Like to be next to warm scalp
- Avoids light
- Quick little “buggers”
- By time live lice are noticed you have usually had them for several weeks
- Not known to spread disease therefore are not considered a medical or public health hazard
More information about head lice can be found on both Ohio Department of Health and the Center for Diease Control and Prevention webistes. See health resource tab for links
Below is a link to more head lice information on the Kids Health website.
Flu Season
The peak of flu season usually occurs from November to March.
Prevention includes:
-Getting your flu vaccine
-Wash your hands!
-After using the restroom
-Before eating
-If you cough or sneeze into your hand
-When visibly dirty
-Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth
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Find out more about the Flu from the CDC-
Covid Information
Ashtabula County has adopted the latest ODH/CDC guidelines for isolation/quarantine related to Covid. Buckeye Local Schools continues to navigate Covid guidelines under the direction and guidance of the Ashtabula County Health Department.
Please self/parent monitor for symptoms of Covid and other respiraorty illnesses each day before coming to school. Keep your child home if they are sick, have a fever, or are awaiting Covid, Flu, or Strep test results.
Isolation guidelines for ANYONE testing positive for Covid-19
Currently there are no isolation guidelines for those testing positive for Covid. HOWEVER, as with other respiratory illnesses, practice avoidance to keep others from getting sick others, especially while in the worst phase of the illness and fever is present. The best practice is to return to normal activities when symptoms are improving AND fever free without using meds for 24 hours. Once people resume normal activities, they are encouraged to take additional prevention strategies for the next 5 days to curb disease spread activities. These additional measures include hand washing, sanitizing surfaces, distancing, and mask use is recommended.
Seek emergency medical care immediately at anytime during Covid infection if someone is having trouble breathing, persistent pain or pressure in the chest, new confusion, inability to wake or stay awake,and/or pale, gray, or blue-colored skin, lips, or nail beds.
Exposure guidelines for staff and students
If, exposed to COVID, monitor for symptoms. Test as soome as possible as treatment is available and can lessen symptoms and lower the risk of severe illness. If test positive follow above guidelines.
CDC provides active recommendations on core prevention steps and strategies:
- Staying up to date with vaccines to protect people against serious illness, hospitalization, and death. This includes flu, COVID-19, and RSV if eligible.
- Practicing good hygiene by covering coughs and sneezes, washing or sanitizing hands often, and cleaning frequently touched surfaces.
- Taking steps for cleaner air, such as bringing in more fresh outside air, purifying indoor air, or gathering outdoors.
Important infomation to remember-
-Masks are optional on bus and in the classroom setting but are encouraged to add layered prevention strategies when community levels are high or when school is experiencing an outbreak
-Keep your child home if they are sick or being tested/awaiting Covid test results
-Contact the school nurse for any questions or for guidance.
-Covid test kits are available from each of our school buildings
Braden Middle School
- 440-998-0550
- Fax- 440-998-2793
Edgewood High School
- 440-997-5301
- Fax-440-998-6143
Kingsville Elementary School
- 440-224-0281
- Fax- 440-224-2452
Ridgeview Elementary School
- 440-997-7321
- Fax-440-998-2842
COVID-19 Resource Information
COVID-19 Resource Information
COVID-19 Resource Information