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Buckeye Local School District

Buckeye Local School District

Updated: March 21, 2020
Good evening Buckeye family,
I hope all is well with everyone.
I want to remind parents, staff and students that we are on Spring Break, until Sunday March 29th
As it currently stands, online schooling will resume on Monday March 30th and continue thru April 3rd.
Our online activity statistics for the week, March 16th to March 20th, are as follows; 360 Active Google Classrooms, 2,652 posts by teachers, and 15,000 files created/added to Google drive. Amazing!
We will resume serving breakfast and lunch bags on Monday March 30th, Wednesday April 1st and Friday April 3rd, with curbside pickup at all the school buildings. 
We will follow the same process as was in place this past week.
I would like to bring your attention to the latest informational resource material provided by The County Health Department regarding Corvid-19 (Coronavirus disease). 
Please see link below: 
This information, along with other updates will be posted on our website;
Thank you all for you support and cooperation during this challenging time. We will continue to provide updates as information is shared with us.
Sincerely yours,
Patrick E. Colucci, Sr.
Superintendent of Buckeye Local School District
Join us in supporting our neighborhood, school and community environment. 
Supporting our students is not the main thing, it's the only thing.